Leaf - Coriander Leaves -Cilantro 1 Bunch Approx 100gm
Short Description : - Coriander normally known as Cilantro or Dhania, is a great green colored herb with various healthiness benefits. The leaves are extremely fragile which spoil speedily when removed from the plant, and lose their smell when dried. It gives citrus flavor, strong stink and intense taste have made coriander leaves a must in garnishes.
Uses :- The fresh leaves are used to garnish several food preparations, including snacks, soups, raitas, rasams and innumerable other dishes.
Benefits :-
1) Clears up skin
2) Treats diarrhea
3) Clears mouth ulcers and freshens breath
4) Lowers cholesterol
5) Lowers blood pressure (BP)
6) Kicks off anemia
7) Anti-allergic
8) Promotes bone health
9) Protects eyes
10) Stimulates digestion
11) Clean your kidneys